


Our English lessons are driven by The Power of Reading program that brings quality texts into the classroom. Each class select a quality text each term and work from this book to teach both reading comprehension and a range of writing genres. Children are offered many opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, we aim to foster creativity and personal expression. Good habits of letter formation, spelling, punctuation and grammar are also central to our teaching of English. Our handwriting scheme is intended to develop a legible joined style in all children.


In Reception and Key Stage One we use the Read Write Inc. reading scheme to support pupils in becoming confident readers. Once they become fluent at reading they move onto our Key Stage Two Accelerated Reader program. This program ensures they are reading books within their ability level, once a child has completed a book they take a comprehension quiz to check their understanding.


Reading at Chantry 


Reading takes place every day at Chantry. As a school we promote a love of reading through the books that we share and the wider experiences we offer. 

Phonics is taught on a daily basis in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. We use Read Write Inc. as our scheme of learning, this ensures that children move at an appropriate rate as they build upon their reading skills. This work continues for some pupils as they move into Key Stage 2.

We welcome support from parents and grandparents with listening to children to read during the school day and ask that parents hear their child read at home every day. 

In Key Stage Two the children will be reading for pleasure and choosing from a range of books on genres which interest them. When they have completed a book they will sit a comprehension quiz which will also record the amount of words they have read. We still expect the children to read at home to an adult at least three times a week.

All our classes enjoy sharing books in class and have a quality text both as a focus for their English learning. Reading is the gateway to learning. We support children in a variety of ways to access our creative curriculum.