

Enrichment gives children the opportunity to take part in additional, new or different experiences. Enrichment goes beyond the school curriculum to expand their knowledge or skills


We believe that taking part in enrichment is an essential part of children’s learning and we have a comprehensive programme of enrichment at Chantry, giving children an opportunity to explore new areas and skills. Enrichment opportunities are often built around children’s skills and interests.


Enrichment activities can stimulate brain development by exposing children to new challenges and experiences. These activities can help children develop their problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative skills.


Our enrichment programme is constantly evolving to match the needs of children in our school. Recent enrichment opportunities at Chantry have included working with an Artist in Residence, singing at venues around Bexhill, tree-planting and environmental work, story-telling project, a visit to the houses of Parliament, Creative Careers project and working with a local fossil expert. We also have a school Dog – Evie, who the children enjoy taking care of.


Our reception children visit a local care home weekly to build relationships with the older members of our community