Our School

Governor Information

Mr David Becker

Chair of Governors


Chair of Governors' Message

Our governors are committed to steering school improvement through collaborative committee work and individual contributions of personal knowledge and experience.

The purpose of this page is to provide information about how the work of the governors is involved in the management of our school, decisions being made which may affect pupils and parents and more general information about the progress of the school in achieving its legal and regulatory obligations and performance targets.


The Role of the Governors

Chantry Community Primary School has a strong and enthusiastic governing body whose key roles may be summarised as follows:

To provide a strategic view of where the school is heading. This is achieved by reviewing policies and deciding the priorities for improvement to be included in the school improvement plan.

To act as a critical friend to the school. This involves supporting the headteacher and staff and promoting the school in the local community, while at the same time questioning existing practice in a constructively critical way.

To hold the school to account for the educational standard it achieves and the quality of education it provides; setting targets for the school to achieve in the light of national and local targets and then formally evaluating outcomes. This lies at the heart of the governing body's role.


How the Governing Body Works

The full governing body meets at least six times a year. The agenda covers a mixture of official business – budgets, policy reviews and staffing and less formal business to do with supporting the development of the school.

Some of the detailed work of the governing body is carried out by the Finance and Pay Committee which covers finance, staffing, premises' improvement and Health and Safety (which is a statutory responsibility for all aspects of health and safety at school).


Access to Information

Approved minutes of the meetings of the governing body are available via the school office, as are all the school policy documents. Information of a personally sensitive nature is kept confidential.


Access to Governors

All governors are happy to be approached directly.

The governing body is a corporate body and as such individual governors are unable to make decisions. However, governors will ensure that concerns are raised through the correct channels.

If you need contact details please ask at the school office. Correspondence may be passed via the clerk to the governing body at clerk@chantry.e-sussex.sch.uk